Singing Guide: Wilbur Evans

Singing Guide: Wilbur Evans

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Wilbur Evans was a renowned baritone of the 20th century who had a distinguished career in opera. He was born in Wales in 1892 and began his singing career as a choirboy in his local church. Later, he studied at the London College of Music and began performing professionally in 1921.

One of the unique aspects of Evans' singing style was his ability to convey powerful emotions through his voice. He had a rich, warm tone that was equally at home in the soaring heights of operatic arias or the intimate expressions of lieder. His ability to connect with audiences through his voice made him a beloved figure in the world of opera.

To learn how to sing like Wilbur Evans, you should start by analyzing your own voice. Singing Carrots has a great article on how to analyze your voice to better understand its strengths and weaknesses. Once you have a clear understanding of your voice, you can begin exploring the unique aspects of Evans' singing style.

One of the hallmarks of Evans' singing was his ability to create a resonant, expansive sound. Singing Carrots' article on resonance in singing can help you understand the techniques he used to achieve this sound. Additionally, as Evans was a baritone, you should familiarize yourself with voice types, and Singing Carrots has a comprehensive article that explains how to classify your voice type.

Evans was also known for his impeccable articulation and diction, which allowed him to convey the nuance and emotion of the lyrics he was singing. Singing Carrots' article on articulation can give you advice on how to achieve this clarity and precision in your own singing.

To improve your vocal range like Evans, Singing Carrots' pitch training and vocal range test can help you develop pitch accuracy and explore the full extent of your vocal range respectively. Evans also employed breath support to achieve a powerful and dynamic singing voice, which is explained in Singing Carrots' article on breath support.

Finally, there’s no better way to learn how to sing like Wilbur Evans than to listen and sing his songs. A few of his most famous performances include "Largo al factotum" from "The Barber of Seville" and "The Toreador Song" from "Carmen". Singing Carrots' search songs by vocal range and artist vocal ranges allows you to filter out songs within a particular vocal range and genre.

In conclusion, learning to sing like Wilbur Evans requires attention to detail and dedication. By studying his unique vocal technique, practicing proper technique, and immersing yourself in his music with the help of Singing Carrots’ resources you can develop your own distinctive singing voice like that of Wilbur Evans.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.